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[vdr] Changing Plugin's Menu Entry

Hello everyone,

is there any way to change the own mainmenuentry inside a plugin? I try 
implementing a streaming-over-network plugin based on socks connections.
A basic implementation is ready and working, but I'd like to display 
"Stop Streaming" instead of "Streaming" in the mainmenu when it's running ;).
Simply returning something different from MainMenuEntry() doesn't help, as
I've experienced, since the string is copied once, I guess.

Since I've not heard anything about a Stream plugin vor vdr 1.1.x, I thought
it might be a good idea, especially because I'm happy now to have it here,
my vdr is in the living room and everythign else in a different room. And I 
love watching TV ;))))).

I still need to code a config (for whatever, I'll see while testing), and 
maybe a possibility for multicast (that's what the config could be for;) )
and a command-line for the dump client (working with mplayer)

Maybe the original coder of Streaming would like to help me implement 
multicast, as I've never done multicasting actually.

Sascha Volkenandt

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