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[vdr] Re: AW: channels.conf

Steffen Barszus wrote in a Mail about "[vdr] Re: AW: channels.conf":

> Maybe a pool of different "handmade" channels.conf submitted from list
> members
> is a solution for this ? Or a channel-scan-plugin for vdr ?

Well, I am a bit surprised this causes so many problems (I had this myself
before I stopped using VDR - well, my box is unusable right now but will
soon be up again).

Why is there no Real Good(tm) way to create the accurate channels.conf,
along with all radio-stations, CAM extras and what do I know...?

P.S. Maybe because noone has written it yet ? ;-)

Good bye, Andreas
Mandrake Linux 8.2,  Athlon1.2GHz, MSI K7T266Pro, 512MB DDR-RAM, MSI StarForce64Pro (GeForce2PRO), Hercules GameTheater XP, D-Link530DX, Hauppauge WinTV-s rev2.1,IWill SIDE2930C

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