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[vdr] Re: crash with vdr 1.0.4 during channel-switching

Gerhard Steiner wrote:
> Hello,
> today I tried to switch to channel 99, but in my
> channels.conf are only 65 channels.
> After some time of thinking (about 4 sec), vdr simply
> restarts (with driver reload).
> There is no additional entry in /var/log/message
> I am using vdr 1.0.4-AIO10.09.
> Is this also in vdr 1.1.x?

There has been a fix in that direction, but I'm not sure if it
targets your actual problem. I tried it with my current developer
version  and there I had no problem with such a case. This may be
due to some changes I implemented after 1.1.13 in order to allow gaps
in the channel numbering. This will be released in tomorrow's 1.1.14.


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