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[vdr] VDR developer version 1.1.14

VDR developer version 1.1.14 is now available at

This version is directed towards developers who want to implement
plugins for VDR. The "stable" version for every day use is still 1.0.4.

Please read the file VDR/PLUGINS.html, which gives an overview of the
plugin interface and how to create your own plugins.


This version still has some limitations (see below) and is considered highly

The changes since version 1.1.13:

- Fixed some faulty default parameter initializations (thanks to Robert Schiele).
- Added further satellites to 'sources.conf' (thanks to Reinhard Walter Buchner
  and Oliver Endriss).
- Updated Finnish OSD texts (thanks to Jaakko Hyvätti).
- Fixed a small glitch when switching channels (thanks to Dennis Noordsij for
  reporting this one).
- Fixed handling multiple 'CaCaps' entries in 'setup.conf'.
- Group separators in 'channels.conf' may now be given like ':@201 My Channels',
  where '@201' indicates the number to be given to the next channel. This can be
  used to create 'gaps' in the channel numbering (see 'man 5 vdr'). BE CAREFUL
  'channels.conf' FILE!
- Timers now internally have a pointer to their channel (this is necessary to
  handle gaps in channel numbers, and in preparation for unique channel ids).
- Fixed slow reaction on SVDRP input (thanks to Guido Fiala for reporting this one).
- Added KI.KA to channels.conf.cable (thanks to Robert Schiele).
- Frequency values for cable and terrestrial channels in 'channels.conf' can
  now be given either in MHz, kHz or Hz. The actual value given will be multiplied
  by 1000 until it is larger than 1000000.
- Fixed skipping unavailable channels when zapping downwards.
- Fixed checking the Ca() status of a cDevice (thanks to Stefan Huelswitt).
- Fixed switching audio tracks in 'Transfer Mode' on the primary DVB device
  (thanks to Steffen Barszus and Stefan Huelswitt for reporting this one and
  helping to fix it).
- Fixed channel switching in case of an active 'Transfer Mode' on the primary
  device ('Transfer Mode' is now launched with priority '-1').
- Fixed a ternary expression in dvbspu.c.
- Fixed handling 'Transfer Mode' on single device systems when recording an
  encrypted channel (thanks to Stefan Huelswitt).
- Fixed blocking replaying in case an encrypted channel is being recorded on
  the primary device.
- Now the name of the remote control is displayed when learning the keys.
- Fixed learning remote control keys in case there is more than one remote
  control (thanks to Oliver Endriss for reporting this one).
- Implemented additional dedicated keys for "Play", "Pause", "Stop", "Record",
  "FastFwd", "FastRew", "Channel+" and "Channel-". If your remote control supports
  any of these keys you can delete your 'remote.conf' file and restart VDR to
  go through the key learning procedure again in order to assign these new keys.
  See MANUAL for more information.
  Authors of player plugins should update their ProcessKey() functions so that
  the new player keys have the same functionality as the "Up", "Down", "Left",
  "Right" and "Blue" keys, respectively. Note that the existing functionality
  of these keys should by all means be retained, since VDR (and any plugins)
  shall be fully usable with just the basic set of keys. These new keys are only
  for additional comfort in case the remote control in use supports them.
- Implemented new keys to directly access the VDR main menu functions "Schedule",
  "Channels", "Timers", "Recordings", "Setup" and "Commands". If your remote
  control provides keys you want to assign these functions to, you can delete
  your 'remote.cof' file and restart VDR to  go through the key learning procedure
  again in order to assign these new keys. See MANUAL for more information.
- The new configuration file 'keymacros.conf' can be used to assign macros to
  the color buttons in normal viewing mode, as well as to up to 9 user defined
  keys. See MANUAL and man vdr(5) for more information. The default 'keymacros.conf'
  implements the functionality of the "color button patch".
- Fixed a crash when learning the keys of several remote controls and pressing
  buttons of those that have already been learned (thanks to Oliver Endriss for
  reporting this one).

- The following limitations apply to this version:
  + The '-a' option (for Dolby Digital audio) doesn't work yet.

This version requires the driver from

in order to allow simultaneous recording _and_ replay with a single (full
featured) DVB card. If you use this version with a different driver (one that
doesn't implement this feature), be sure to comment out the line

#define DVB_DRIVER_VERSION 2002090101 //XXX+

from VDR/dvbdevice.c - otherwise your VDR may not work correctly!
This is currently a little dirty, since the driver has no way of telling
its exact version date or number.

Note that every time you switch the channel while recording on the primary device,
the recording(s) may show a short glitch.
There may also be ARM crashes when doing simultaneous recording and replay
with a single DVB card and heavily using the OSD. These are probably both driver issues.

With this version it is already possible to do "time shifting" with only a single
DVB card. To do this, just start recording the current channel (press Menu/Record)
and then start replaying the current recording.
There will be a fully automated function for this in one of the next versions.

Have fun!

Klaus Schmidinger

Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
Hofmark 2                               Email:
D-84568 Pleiskirchen, Germany           URL:

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