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[vdr] Re: Defrag under Linux

On Sunday 27 October 2002 16:51, Martin Elsner wrote:
> Hi again ;-)
> Now my last question so far...
> VDR is running quite stable for quite a while now. But sometime I get
> bad recordings, the picture is jumping forward, the sound is not
> synchron. Can this be a problem with a fragmentated hard drive? I am not
> a linux pro...
> Regrads
> Martin

Hi Martin,

Fragmentation is a FAT problem mostly, and people have just gotten used to it 
as a "normal" computer thing :) But ext2, ext3, etc filesystems actually do 
not suffer from this, HOWEVER, for optimal results you should always have a 
nice amount of free space, and everything will be OK. If you are always 
running with 1% free space, things tend to slow down occasionally :-)

That said, it's unlikely this has anything to do with your problem. The cause 
is probably a butchered recording. Garbage-in, garbage-out :-)

I've seen it happen occasionally, the drivers get a lock, but only barely 
(i.e. a little bit away from the ideal frequency) and there are lots of 
errors. Heat of the card can have some influence, etc. Then the recorded file 
has some errors in it causing skips, artifacts, de-sync, etc. 

Hope it gets better :-)

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