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[vdr] Re: summer / wintertime: 24h-recording

Hello again,

thanks Norbert- yes I RTFM (greetings to Oliver... :-) )

but seriously- this situation happens only once a year and I believe this is
a job for a machine to recognize and correct it- not for a helpless user.

Anybody a useful hint for this situation?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Norbert Schmidt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 9:39 PM
Subject: [vdr] Re: summer / wintertime: 24h-recording
>I am sure, Uwe read the manual.
>As he had written, "vdr did it's job well: ...". When I read
>this, for the first time, I just laughed about Uwe's humor.
>Although - a 17h recording ... ;-)
>I went into the same situation last night. Fortunately I
>saw it early enough and could stopp the recording after
>5 hours.

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