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[vdr] Re: prefmenu-patch for vdr 1.1.14

This looks good. And I don't think it prevents 1.2.0 to be released (or will 
it be 2.0? :) )

>Olivier JACQUES wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > > > And a question:
> > > > Is still necessary to patch VDR whith the very little diff by 
> > > > ?
> >
> > Yes, because with the macro keys there was a conflict with the main OSD
> > menu. I know it's a shame, but, Klaus can you tell us how to open a raw 
> > from a plugin without going through the main menu?
>The plugin is _always_ started through the main menu, so I have yet to
>implement a way that the plugin can return a generic cOsdObject instead
>of a cOsdMenu - and will thus be able to define the OSD size and color
>depth completely by itself. This is pretty high on my list, but I can't
>promise when it will actually happen.
>Klaus Schmidinger                       Phone: +49-8635-6989-10
>CadSoft Computer GmbH                   Fax:   +49-8635-6989-40
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