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[vdr] channels.conf script.

Hi all,

Well I just want to cheer this script that I had made
for getting a good channels.conf.
It fits me very good but maybe not for you.
There is a perl script that gets the channels.conf file
and a bash script to keep your favorite group channels.
example of my channels.conf

DeeJay TV.DEU.:11604:h:S13.0E:27500:160:161:0:0:602
M6 Music.FRA.VIMG:10758:v:S13.0E:27500:820:830:0:555:1208
Fun TV.FRA.VIMG:10758:v:S13.0E:27500:620:630:0:101:1206
ESP Intl:12557:v:S13.0E:27500:2577:2562:2578:101:9352
ESP News Eng:12557:v:S13.0E:27500:2825:2823:2831:101:9366
06 TV.HEL.:12188:v:S13E:27500:3713:3714:0:0:1101
100% Promo-Trailer.FRA.:12363:v:S19.2E:27500:160:80:0:0:9199

You must at least have two gs(group separator) the last
gs called :All. all under that will be removed.
The perl script does nothing to your channels.conf file it gets
it's data from with daily updates at least
for Astra and Hotbird witch my para is pointing at.

The bash script is executed from the commands.conf and can
in a bad luck situation delete your favorites channels
I MUST WARN YOU if your connection is down and/or you don't
have the :All gs this script in it's current state can damage
your channels.conf file.
There is made a backup places in tmp dir with date and time suffix.

I use it with vdr 1.1.14 so if you have 1.0.x there is some change
you have to do for the Source field.

And also it will only work with the default sources.
I have seen some have
S192  Astra 1B/C/E/F/G/H/2C
instead of
S19.2E  Astra 1B/C/E/F/G/H/2C
this wont work(if you don't edit the perl script).
has one argument -t or -r
-t are for TV list that is if the entry has PPID>0 and APID>0 and
is define as a TV channel at

-r are for radio list that is if the entry has PPID=0 and APID>0 and
is define as a RADIO channel at

Later maybe it will read your source.conf to select the satellite(s)
you have in diseqc.conf or as a satellite positions.
So if you have other satellites then
Astra 1B, 1C, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H, 2C (019.2) and Hotbird 1,2,3,4,6 (013.0)
You have to edit and change the perl script.

@satellites[0] = "";;
@satellites[1] = "";;
look @ to change the address for your satellites.

If a channel has more APIDs it will be on each channel entry with suffix.
So i don't know how it works for vdr 1.1.16 and after.
Thinking of the UNIQ channel entity.

As you can see there are also crypto suffix.
This is for filtering at later point(not implanted yet)
and putting in a 101 for CA description, change $CA to
your Conditional Access configuration.
But you can edit the bash script with some grep to get
the Language and Crypt Mode that you prefer.

In the source from there is no TeleText PID :/

is the bash script that keeps your favorite channels and removes
all channels under :All gs and inserts a fresh list of
:All         fresh TV list
:Radio       fresh Radio list
:ChangeTV    all new TV channels sense the last
:ChangeRadio all new Radio channels sense the last

It will output a diff on the current and the new list so
you can see what has change.

also change your paths to vdr conf dir(VDRCONFDIR) and
tmp dir(TEMP) and


This fits me very good, maybe not for you.
I can and will continue working with this if there are
more then me that likes it and use it.



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