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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE: vdr-dxr3-0.1.0


First of all: Great work!
This is just what I was waiting for, having an full-featured card with fried 
video-out :-(

It works nicely here, with on shortcoming: After a few channel-switches (~10), 
vdr isn't able to tune to the new channel. The osd displays the name of the 
new channel, but there is no video. In the log there is following message:

vdr[4697]: ERROR: /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0: Too many open files

The setup is the following:
Hauppauge DVB-s 2.1
vdr 1.1.15
dvb-driver of 2002-11-1 (from the vdr home page)
vdr-dxr3-0.1.0, of course.

Any ideas? Any more information needed?

Many thanks,


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