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[vdr] Re: Loss of Vision -Sound

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:

>>Nov 13 19:59:34 tx vdr[2375]: switching to channel 1
>>Nov 13 20:00:25 tx vdr[2375]: caught signal 15
>>The last line is where I did a "killall vdr", as no picture had returned
>>when switching back to channel 1 - a active channel.
> Well, nothing unusual there.
> What I don't understand is why switching to a channel that does transmit doesn't
> work after this. What happens if you switch back to channel 2? From the first
> log entry I assume that that one did tune, so I would expect it to tune again.
> Klaus

Same behaviour if I switch back to channel 2 or any other active channel.

Once it has faulted, there appear to be no active (all sleeping), vdr 
processes and kdvd-fe is consuming about 40-50% cpu (P1 233 64MB), which 
I understand is normal until the front end is tuned.



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