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[vdr] Re: unique channel id

"Aike J Sommer (AS Media)" wrote:
> > > 1) not check the channels.conf for uniqueness (that would also allow
> > > building own bouquets as somebody asked for on some other thread), when a
> > > unique channel id is to be mapped to a channel from channels.conf the
> > > first one could be chosen (you could maybe give a warning message when
> > > this occurs, but ignore it)
> >
> > When the APID is added to the channel ID, channels will be required to be
> > unique only with respect to the APID. Or, in other words: if two channels
> > have the same SRC+NID+TID+SID, they will _have_ to have different APIDs. As
> > long as all channels are unique in their SRC+NID+TID+SID, no APIDs will
> > have to be used. Of course, this will all happen automatically.
> >
> i still think the file should not be checked for uniqueness at all, or do i
> miss some problem that might occur if u have to exakt same channels in ur
> file??
> i dont use it myself, but i guess it might be nice for people who eg want to
> watch bundesliga and formel 1 on Premiere, as they use the same "Feed"
> channels for that... i guess it would be nice for that if u had the
> possibility to have Sport 1 and the Feed Channels once with the Formel 1
> names and once with the Bundesliga names and of course have Sport 1 somewhere
> with the real name!
> at least until it is possible to use the reference services which r
> broadcasted to control those channels on the dbox and other receivers!

The problem then would be that a timer wouldn't know which of the two channels
it shall record. Of course this is no problem as long as the two have the same
tuning data, but what if you change one of them and forget to do so with the
other? Then the timer may record the wrong channel.

As a workaround you can (at least with sat channels) set the transponder
frequency off by one MHz, resulting in two uniquely identified channels.

I'll see to it that this gets implemented as soon a s possible. But first I
need to enable plugins to have their own OSD setup...


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