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[vdr] nvram.wakup and system shutdown

Hi all

i have a few questions about nvram.wakeup and vdr. These problems mainly
stems from the fact, that i did not use a dedicated VDR Box, but have my
card installed inside a computer which is also used for other tasks like

Now i would like to have the following behavior of my computer. If it is
started by the BIOS for the recording of a film MT tv-show, it should
down immediately after the recording when nobody is logged in.  This
perhaps be done by using the commands, which can be defined to be called
a recording. Has anybody perhaps already a running script for that ?

The next thing i would like to see is perhaps a little more complicated
needs some extensions to the vdr source code. When i am working at my
computer, vdr runs in the background to do some recording. When i now
my computer manually (not thinking of vdr since it is running so stable
:-) ),
the vdrshutdown script of nvram.wakeup is not called and any changes to
timers.conf do not lead to changes of the BIOS wakeup time for the next
recording. Therefore i want to ask if it is possible to implement a
handler in vdr reacting for example on SIGHUP. This signal could be sent
killscript in /etc/rc1.d/ to vdr on shutdown and vdr can call the
shutdownscript from the signal handler. Perhaps there are any other
ideas how
to update the BIOS wake up time during a manual shutdown.


Michael Plagge                           
Dept. of Computer Architecture, WSI, Univ. Tuebingen
Sand 1, D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany           
Voice: (+49/0) 7071 / 29 78989, Fax: (+49/0) 7071 / 29 5091

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