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[vdr] Re: mastertimer and/or vdradmin combatible with vdr 1.1.x ?

On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 09:45:16AM +0100, Joerg Wiedenfeld wrote:
> Hello together,
> I am thinking about changing my vdr 1.0.4 installation up tp
> 1.1.17.
> Here my question:
> Does my dear-won tools "mastertimer" and "vdradmin"
> work on vdr 1.1.17 ?
> I am a little bit sceptically, because in the new version has same
> config files changed.

I don't know it, but i think that mastertimer MAY work with the current
version because AFAIKS there were no changes in parts that mastertimer
depends on.(*)

Maybe i should make the jump from 0.68 to 1.17. ;-)

*: e.g. the changes in the channels.conf SHOULD not interfere with
mastertimer as mastertimer only uses(*2) the first field (Channel-Name).
The "split"-functions breaks(*3) but that's no problem.

*2: As far as i remember currently. I haven't changed anything in this
part for "ages".

*3: All fields more than there were before (9) are now all in the last
field (ninth)

Bis denn

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