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[vdr] Re: vdr, dxr3, nova-t, no video out, etc.

In message <>
          "martin north" <> wrote:

> I would like to build a VDR box (for UK operation). I was thinking of
> using the Nova-t DVB-T card. Can someone clarify my questions:

I've just done this, so I'll have a go!  :-)

> - VDR needs a DVB-T card that has a built in video out port, and the
> nova-t does not have a video out port. I understand that you might be able
> to get VDR running on a Nova-t, but the functionality of the software is
> reduced. Is this correct.....what functionality will be missing????

VDR needs a 'fully featured' (i.e. MPEG-2 and video output) card, or...

> - I believe that there is a recent patch that enables VDR is to run with a
> nova-t by adding a DXR3 card to do the MPEG decoding. Is this correct?? How
> good are the results by using this patch compared to a fully featured card?

...if you install the Dxr3 output plugin, a Dxr3 card will do it.

I've got a Nova-t (basic DVB-t card) and a Dxr3 and VDR works fine.
> - Can anyone recommend any fully featured DVB-T cards? There do not seem to
> be many DVB-T cards available in the uk....i've only come across the nova-t
> so far.

You can order them direct from Hauppauge for about 200 ukp.  A normal DVB-t
card (Nova-t) is 100 ukp, so that's quite a premium.  I bought a Dxr3 and
DVD-ROM drive for about 40 ukp from EBay, so that's quite a saving!


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