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[vdr] Re: MP3/MPlayer plugin 0.7.8 available (plugin development)

@Hi Stefan,

> the MP3-Plugin is very good. The best is, that it's scalable.
> Why do you supportn't the config-directory?

Sorry, it's not clear. I mean the Mp3-Plugin search it in the path. 
With -Pmp3 "-m /dvbconf/" or so I can't start vdr. I work with a 
ramfs. In this are all files in where vdr write and read. That's mounted on 

I wrote in data.c "/dvbconf/" instead "". Now it works.

One question. I use directory/filename instead ID3-Tags.  The LCD write in the 
second line: "[.S](3/125)All your love" and no Directory(Interpret). All 
other lines are OK. I have test it with Anzeigemodus 1, 2 and 3. What's 

 Sorry, my english is really bad.

 Regards Jens.

> Am Sonntag, 24. November 2002 15:30 schrieben Sie:
> > Hi,
> > a new release of my MP3/MPlayer plugin is available from my
> > homepage. This release greatly improves the CDDB capabilities.
> >
> > NOTE: the commandline options have changed and you should check
> > your CDDB settings in the setup menu, too.
> >
> > NEWS:
> > 24.11.2002: Version 0.7.8 plugin development (vdr 1.1.16)
> > - Speed up local CDDB database search with huge databases. Due to this,
> > only one subdirectory level is allowed in the database directory (usually
> > the category name). This follows the common xmcd database layout.
> > - Added code for remote CDDB lookups. script is no longer needed.
> > Please note, that the commandline options have changed.
> > - Added some status output while scanning/loading playlists to inform the
> > user.

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