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[vdr] Re: DXR3, VDR and the system requirements

On Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:42:04 +0200 (EET), Niko Tarnanen
<> wrote:

> I have an unused PC (120MHz Pentium, 96Mb of memory) lying around and I
> was wondering if I could recycle that to build a VDR. With a
> full-featured card only, this PC should be fast enough to run VDR. But I
> would really prefer to use Nova-T & DXR3 (Hollywood+ actually), if
> possible.

On a 700 Mhz Duron the use of a Nova takes about 50 % CPU-Power. So I
conclude that you need about 400-500 Mhz to have enough reserve. A 120
MHz System is much to slow. You may even have problems with a full
featured DVB-S. 


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