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[vdr] vdr2dvd version 0.3 recodes my movies ;-(


I am trying to make a dvd out of 3 recordings: -n -c dir1 dir2 dir3 and I got:

processing 001.vdr
ds.jar: JavaTool for PVA+MPEG2+ES+VDR+TTX demux & sync
V0.60g; 20.11.2002; (c) Matthias Mueller;

quick CL usage: (Note: CL also loads the GUI components, without displaying)
[path]java -jar [path]ds.jar start the GUI
[path]java -jar [path]ds.jar [options] [sourcefile1..x]
options: -dvx1, -dvx2, -dvx3, -dvx4, -o, -l, -c
-c [path]inifile  ...use that specified iniFile instead of the standard
-dvx1   ...create a .d2v ProjectFile
-dvx2   ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav
-dvx3   ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .mpa.wav
-dvx4   ...create a .d2v ProjectFile + .ac3.wav + mpa.wav
-o [path]  ...use that specified directory for output
-l   ...write the normal logfile
use -c OR -dvx & -o/-l or no options (for std)
java.version    1.4.1_01
java.vendor     Sun Microsystems Inc.
java.home       /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01
java.vm.version 1.4.1_01-b01
java.vm.vendor  Sun Microsystems Inc.    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
java.class.vers 48.0
java.class.path /usr/local/bin/ds.jar
use config file /usr/local/etc/ds.ini ...

=> working with collection 0
=> write output files to /video3/tmp/

=> File 0:  /video3/tmp/vdralltemp.vdr  (1037265663 bytes)
=> File is a VDR A/V Elementary Stream
-> found ES-ID 0xE0 (MPEG Video)emp.vdr
-> found ES-ID 0xC0 (MPEG Audio)
-> video basics: 544*576 @ 25fps @ 0.6735 (4:3) @ 15000000bps, vbvBuffer 112
cut detected @ GOP#0 / new Timecode 00:00:00.000
dropping gop(sequence) @ orig.PTS 10:31:42.564 / new Timecode 00:00:00.880
GOP#2, Pics expected/count 11/18 ; PTS difference 480ms (should be 0)
cut detected @ GOP#3 / new Timecode 00:00:00.880
dropping gop(sequence) @ orig.PTS 10:56:36.084 / new Timecode 00:24:53.360
GOP#3029, Pics expected/count 14/8 ; PTS difference 0ms (should be 0)
cut detected @ GOP#3030 / new Timecode 00:24:53.360
dropping gop(sequence) @ orig.PTS 11:01:29.244 / new Timecode 00:29:45.840
GOP#3618, Pics expected/count 10/7 ; PTS difference 0ms (should be 0)
cut detected @ GOP#3619 / new Timecode 00:29:45.840
video: fr/ct/1p/cg/og/dg  67993/4/0/5516/0/3
videolength: 67993f @ 00:45:19.720
avg. bitrate 4181200bps (min/max: 1393200/6969200)
set first sequence_header bitrate to 6969200bps
===> new File: /video3/tmp/vdralltemp.mpv
--> MPEG Audio (0xC0)
Audio PTS: first packet 10:31:40.968, last packet 11:17:03.432
Video PTS: start 1.GOP 10:31:41.684, end last GOP 11:17:03.684
-> adjusting audio at video-timeline
=> src_audio: MPEG-1,Layer2,48kHz,jointstereo,192kbps,CRC @ 00:00:00.000
-> 10 frame(s) (240ms) inserted @ 00:00:00.552
-> 11 frame(s) (264ms) inserted @
-> 4 frame(s) (96ms) added @
audio frames: wri/pre/skip/ins/add 113322/0/0/21/4  @ 00:45:19.728 done..
===> new File: /video3/tmp/vdralltemp.mp2

Video:  67993 Frames    00:45:19.720            vdralltemp.mpv
Audio 0:        113322 Frames   00:45:19.728    0/0/21/4        vdralltemp.mp2
=> 1029735595 bytes written...
   INFO: [mplex] mplex version 2.2.1 ($Date: 2002/02/04 19:06:14 $)
   INFO: [mplex] File /video3/tmp/vdralltemp.mpv looks like an MPEG Video stream.
   INFO: [mplex] File /video3/tmp/vdralltemp.mp2 looks like an MPEG Audio stream.
   INFO: [mplex] Found 1 video streams 1 MPEG audio streams and 0 AC3 streams
   INFO: [mplex] Selecting DVD output profile (INCOMEPLETE!!!!)
   INFO: [mplex] Scanning for header info: Video stream e0 (/video3/tmp/vdralltemp.mpv) 
   INFO: [mplex] VIDEO STREAM: e0
   INFO: [mplex] Frame width     : 544
   INFO: [mplex] Frame height    : 576
   INFO: [mplex] Aspect ratio    : 4:3 display
   INFO: [mplex] Picture rate    : 25.000 frames/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Bit rate        : 6969200 bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Vbv buffer size : 229376 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] CSPF            : 0
   INFO: [mplex] Scanning for header info: Audio stream c0 (/video3/tmp/vdralltemp.mp2)
   INFO: [mplex] AUDIO STREAM:
   INFO: [mplex] Audio version  : 1.0
   INFO: [mplex] Layer          :        3
   INFO: [mplex] CRC checksums  :      yes
   INFO: [mplex] Bit rate       :    24576 bytes/sec (192 kbit/sec)
   INFO: [mplex] Frequency      :     48000 Hz
   INFO: [mplex] Mode           :        1 joint stereo
   INFO: [mplex] Mode extension :        3
   INFO: [mplex] Copyright bit  :        1 copyright protected
   INFO: [mplex] Original/Copy  :        1 original
   INFO: [mplex] Emphasis       :        0 none
   INFO: [mplex] SYSTEMS/PROGRAM stream:
   INFO: [mplex] rough-guess multiplexed stream data rate    : 7283200
   INFO: [mplex] target data-rate specified               : 10080000
   INFO: [mplex] Setting specified specified data rate: 10080000
   INFO: [mplex] Sectors = 89 Video delay = 13019 Audio delay = 13019
   INFO: [mplex] New sequence commences...
   INFO: [mplex] Video e0: buf= 237568 frame=000000 sector=00000000
   INFO: [mplex] Audio c0: buf=   4096 frame=000000 sector=00000000
   INFO: [mplex] Scanned to end AU 67992
   INFO: [mplex] STREAM e0 completed @ 67992.
   INFO: [mplex] STREAM c0 completed @ 113321.
   INFO: [mplex] Multiplex completion at SCR=244775789.
   INFO: [mplex] Video e0: buf= 194419 frame=067992 sector=00479045
   INFO: [mplex] Audio c0: buf=   1216 frame=113321 sector=00032314
   INFO: [mplex] Video Stream length:   120555836 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence headers:     5516
   INFO: [mplex] Sequence ends   :        1
   INFO: [mplex] No. Pictures    :    67993
   INFO: [mplex] No. Groups      :     5516
   INFO: [mplex] No. I Frames    :     5516 avg. size 36769 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. P Frames    :    17151 avg. size 19438 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. B Frames    :    45326 avg. size  9448 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] No. D Frames    :        0 avg. size     0 bytes
   INFO: [mplex] Average bit-rate :  2836800 bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] Peak bit-rate    :  6433200  bits/sec
   INFO: [mplex] BUFFERING min 15 Buf max 134306
   INFO: [mplex] Audio stream length 65273472 bytes.
   INFO: [mplex] Syncwords      :   113322
   INFO: [mplex] Frames         :   113322 padded
   INFO: [mplex] Frames         :        0 unpadded
   INFO: [mplex] BUFFERING min 15 Buf max 587
   INFO: [mplex]  
   INFO: [mplex] MUX STATUS: no under-runs detected.
processing mplexfile1.mpx
transcode v0.6.2 (C) 2001-2002 Thomas Östreich
[transcode] auto-probing source /video3/tmp/vdralltemp.tra (ok)
[transcode] V: import format    | MPEG-2  (V=vob|A=vob)
[transcode] V: AV demux/sync    | (1) sync AV at initial MPEG sequence
[transcode] V: import frame     | 544x576  0.94:1  encoded @ 4:3
[transcode] V: zoom             | 720x576  1.25:1 (Lanczos3)
[transcode] V: bits/pixel       | 0.174
[transcode] V: encoding fps     | 25.000
[transcode] V: Y'CbCr           | YV12/I420
[transcode] A: import format    | 0x50    MPEG layer-2 [48000,16,2]  192 kbps
[transcode] A: export format    | 0x50    MPEG layer-2 [44100,16,2]  224 kbps
[transcode] A: bytes per frame  | 7680 (7680.000000)
[transcode] A: adjustment       | 0@1000
[transcode] V: IA32 accel mode  | sse2 (sse2 sse mmxext mmx asm)
[] v0.5.7 (2002-10-01) (video) MPEG-2 | (audio) MPEG/AC3/PCM | (subtitle)
[] v0.1.2 (2002-02-21) audio resampling filter plugin
[] options=(null)
[] v1.2.1 (2002-06-05) (video) MPEG 1/2 | (audio) MPEG 1 Layer II
[] tccat -i "/video3/tmp/vdralltemp.tra" -t vob -d 0 -S 0 | tcdemux -a 0 -x mp3 -S 0 -M 1 -d 0 | tcextract -t vob -a 0 -x mp3 -d 0 | tcdecode -x mp3 -d 0
[] tccat -i "/video3/tmp/vdralltemp.tra" -t vob -d 0 -S 0 | tcdemux -s 0xc0 -x mpeg2 -S 0 -M 1 -d 0 | tcextract -t vob -a 0 -x mpeg2 -d 0 | tcdecode -x mpeg2 -d 0 -y yv12

INFO: using reference profile (DVD)
INFO: profile type is (PAL)
encoding frames [000000-040088],   6.10 fps, EMT: 0:26:43, ( 5| 1| 1)

And it's still running... and it's really long (on my computer vdr->divx
is about 30 fps in most cases...).

Any idea of what I do wrong? I was thinking the -c option should do the
I don't need to produce a real DVD as my player could even play the
mpeg2 files (but with 3-4 seconds A/V outsync...).

I am using: transcode-0.6.2.tar.gz dvdauthor-0.3.0.tar.gz
j2re-1.4.1_01-fcs and vdr2dvd-0.3.0.tar.gz.

Thank you very much,

________________________________________________________________ ICQ:16624071

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