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[vdr] Re: Image quality on sat reception.

On Tue, Dec 17, 2002 at 11:23:42AM +0100, Luis Martinez Martinez wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been playing with my dvb card for over a week now, and even I have been 
> searching hard thru the lists and faqs, there is a topic about image quality 
> on sat reception that I have not find anywhere yet. I feel that the image 
> quality got from the tuner is far worse than that from a dvd replay.

I'm not surprised. A commercial DVD has 9 Gb of data to fit maybe a 90 
minute movie and perhaps an hour of extra footage in - so the bitrate 
can be astronomical leading to superb quality.

Satellite transponders are VERY expensive, so the TV companies want to 
squeeze as many channels onto each multiplex as possible, meaning that 
'smaller channels' will get a relatively small amount of bandwidth - 
I've seen some with as little as 4Mb/sec!

This means if there's any fast movement / scene changes, you'll see MPEG 
macroblocking artefacts (little squares) all over the screen for a few 
frames until the next GOP appears :/

Sad but true - digital television generally provides a lower quality of 
picture :/


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