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[vdr] Re: Child protection / access control module

On the day 12/19/2002 09:04 AM Harald Milz scripsit:

> I was just asking about the technical implementation, not about parental
> guidelines. 

I currently do exactly the same with a modified ca.conf. The mechanism 
is mostly "security by obscurity". This example shows how to do it with 
VDR 1.0.x. (hopefuly I did not forget some important step).

First, find a unique private number to put in ca.conf and give it a 
confusing name, e.g.:
101    Premiere World
102    ORF

# child protection

Second, assign this CA-ID to all channels you want to block for your 
children, e.g.:

Now you can only view the blocked channels when you go to the CICAM 
configuration menu and assign SQRTEXPLOG to your primary DVB.


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