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[vdr] Re: Child protection / access control module

Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
> I guess there are a few basic things that need to be 
> considered before implementing
> this. For instance, should there be separate PINs for each 
> operation, like "modifying
> the setup", "setting/deleting timers", "deleting recordings", 
> "watching age restricted
> channels/recordings" etc., or should there be _one_ PIN for 
> each user, which can
> be assigned various "rights"? I believe the latter would be 
> better, since each user
> would only have to memorize _one_ PIN and the system 
> administrator could set him/her
> up with whatever VDR uses access control for. From the top of 
> my head I can think
> of things like "Your PIN gives you the right to...

Yes a role based concept is (IMHO) the way to go.

> What concerns me the most is: when should the PIN be checked?
> Clearly it should be checked, for instance, when a recording 
> is selected for
> playback that has some age restriction. That would be a one 
> time check at the
> start, and that's it. But what if the user wants to zap 
> though the channels?
> should there be a PIN check every time a channel with an age 
> restricted programme
> is encountered? I guess that might make zapping a bit 
> tedious... So, should there
> be a "timeout" for the "validity" of an authorization? Like, 
> if you have entered your PIN you
> may switch channels until you stay with a specific channel 
> for a certain amount of
> time. After that you'll need to re-authenicate yourself. What 
> if you switch to an age
> restricted programme and then turn off the tv (and leave VDR 
> running)? The next person
> who turns on the tv would be able to see the restricted 
> programme without authorization.
> So, should an authorization only be valid as long as the 
> current programme runs?

Please don't ask everytime on a channel switch this would be really
annoying. I saw this once on a d-box and it was unbearable. Perhaps
simply hiding the restricted channels/recordings/plugins/... would be
the right way...

And last but not least the most important thing: Please make this whole
access control thing a setup option! So people with no "endangered life
forms" (children) can watch without any hassles

> I hope this helps to put this thread back on a more technical 
> basis ;-)
Indeed :)

Ciao Ulrich

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