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[vdr] Re: Testers Wanted

Hi all,

Since I received a number of replies which also wanted
to know what I have changed, here is a list (I'm doing this
from memory, so I hope I didn't forget anything)

- OSD Transparency is now adjustable

- Adding 0.5V to the LNB line (switchable)

- Increased number of screen formats available
   additonally now: Center Cut Out, PanScan, Letterbox
   These will ONLY work if the stream supports it
   (just like the 4:3 and 16:9 switches) A lot of PW
   films support these new modes.

- Run through cursor function on up / down keys
  also works on multipage menus. Right now this
  is always on. The final will contain a setup parameter
  to allow the user to switch this  on / off
  Hard endstops are still available on left / right keys

- Nite View Mode
- Volume Damping Factor for above

- Audio Balance control
- Volume Control steepness 
   This changes the "sensitivity" of the volume control

- SNR, SS, BER & UNC with colored bars, % and dB (dBm)
- Adjustable red, yellow & green color scaling for above
   setting red = green will show only two colors in the bars
- Signal Info can be turned off, only on OSD, only on Terminal, or both
- SignalInfo can be shown at top or bottom of OSD

- Loop replay mode (basic now, will be modded further)
  Klaus had a great idea to make this even better ;o))

As far as possible, all functions first check whether or not the
FE in question supports this. Necessary OSDs are adjusted in
size depending on the results of these tests. I.e. if your FE supports
only SNR & SS the OSD will be smaller than if it supports all
functions from above.

Things which are implemented but NOT working (yet):

- Forcing System Mode (PAL / NTSC)
- Changing hue, contrast, saturation via DVB driver
   (seems to be a driver bug)
- Changing hardware output from within VDR (FBAS, RGB, etc)
   Haven't gotten around to making the changes in the DVB driver
   to make this possible via ioctl calls

Will try to add today:

- One touch recording for audio only

As this mod is based on VDR 1.1.17 it also contains:

- a switchable tuning routine normal / motor diseqc users
- Dish motor can be switched off

However these last two mods will NOT find there way into
the 1.1.20 because of Klaus' multithread tuning routine,
which makes these mods (now) unnecessary.

Internationalisation has not been done yet (i.e. the new stuff
is shown in english only). I hope that's okay for now.


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