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[vdr] Frohe Weihnachten & Merry Christmas!

Hi all,

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Frohe Weihnachten,
a Happy New Year and ein Guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr.

Special thanks go to:

Klaus Schmidinger:
- who made it all possible AND open source . Probably
   neglecting family and friends in the process.

- For supplying us with a driver for our beloved DVB
  cards. esp to Holger Waechtler, who is still keeping
  at it even after the Metzler Bros discontinued their

Hubertus Sandman:
- for his great installation manual which started me
  out on VDR.

- for his install scripts

- who made plugins
- bugfixed plugins
- had ideas and did rigourous testing

- who made this list what it is today
- helped out with all the problems from A-Z
- created this nice atmosphere

A wish you all a set of nice holidays with lots of
presents from Santa and a relaxing atmosphere
with family and friends. As always please don't
drink and drive. We need you around next year
for more suggestions, plugins and improvements
for VDR ;o)).


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