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[vdr] Converting older programs was Re: Re: DVD plugin - anyone got it working?

Hi all,

DVD Plugin works here with newest drivers ;o)

Actually, transfering "old" plugins (as long as they aren't
buggy ;o)) to the newest DVB driver versions isn't that hard.
(usually doing the makefiles is sufficient)

- Take a look at the code and search for ifdef NEWSTRUCT
- remove this line
- somewhere below this there will be an else
- remove everything BELOW the (but including) "else" until you hit an endif
- continue doing the above thru the rest of the code


DVBDIR = ../../../../DVB/include
DVBDIR = ../../../../DVB/ost/include

After the "work" this would be the result:

DVBDIR = ../../../../DVB/include

The line "DEFINES += -DNEWSTRUCT" MUST remain there, as
this is used in the actual program code to decide between new &
old driver code. Of course, you CAN look through the rest of the
code and then also remove this define in the same way (works
best on single or small number of files codings), but you will
need to watch out a bit more that you really kill and "unifdef" the
correct lines ;o))

Even in long or complex codes this is an easy task, if you
are comformtable at programming. But even if you are not,
it is still an acomplishable task.

Happy hunting,

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