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[vdr] Re: aio 1.1.20

Johannes Schoeller wrote:
> hi list!
> i just installed (as always) the ELCHI-AIO patch for 1.1.20 with "zcat
> /install/VDR/ElchiAIO-1.1.20.diff.gz | patch -p1" what worked without error.
> while compiling with "make REMOTE=LIRC VFAT=1" it stops with the following
> output:
> g++ -g -O2 -Wall -Woverloaded-virtual -c -DREMOTE_KBD -DREMOTE_LIRC -D_GNU_S
> OURCE -DVFAT -I../DVB/include menu.c
> menu.c: In method `enum eOSState cMenuSetupOSD::ProcessKey(eKeys)':
> menu.c:1845: parse error before `data'
> menu.c:1852: confused by earlier errors, bailing out
> make: *** [menu.o] Error 1
> anyone got any idea? and where is this "makevdr" file that was used to be
> there for setting options for compilation? is there any documentation or am
> i missing something...
> any help very appreciated..
> thx!
> servus hannes!
> Johannes Schoeller
Change the line in menu.c
if (data.Transparency or data.Red or data.Green or data.Blue != 
Setup.Background) {

if (data.Transparency || data.Red || data.Green || data.Blue != 
Setup.Background) {

That did't for me ;)
best luck.

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