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[vdr] Re: VDR box based on EPIA-M board and Cubid case

Hello guys,

i am new here in that place. Hopefully we read each other often with
plenty of tipps and news on vdr.

Yes I have a system with a m9000. But not with that particular case. 

The Epia is running fine. I use a self made case of an old CD Player
from a local store and an old ATX 145W Powersupply with the fan removed.

I currently have a problem with dma on the epia. Ist not possible to
switch to dma mode. Everything is fine except divx playback, which is my
main application ;-(.

So only VDR running the EpiaM9000 has plenty of cpu power left. 

@Mathias Mueller:
Have you DMA activated for dvd and hd drive? With kernel patches, or
I running Suse8.1. What are you using? Perhaps this is a topic for a PM.
I dont now how this is handeld here.

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