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[vdr] Re: about the vdr streaming plugin

On Dienstag, 25. Februar 2003 15:58 Alexis Guerin wrote:

> 1- firstly, can this plugin be used to stream several channels on the
> network. (channels on the same transponder with 1 card, or on different
> transponders with 2 cards) (ie : several instance of ffmpeg/ffserver)

This is not possible with the current streaming plugin, as the main purpose of 
that (mainly) was to duplicate the tv screen. 

Because I wanted something like that, too, I have started creating a whole new 
streaming-plugin which uses a Client/Server Protocol similar to the SVDRP and 
FTP protocols.

The client part of the plugin serves as a fully implemented Input-Device 
serving a TS stream to VDR, and the server part works with receivers.

You could easily implement other clients that are controlled by a simple 
script and output via mplayer.

The plugin is mainly ready and works here, but since I only have one 
full-featured card for the server and one DXR3-Client, my testing 
possibilities are limited.

Anyone with more than one dvb-card or more than one client willing to help out 

> 2- Is it possible to stream from a DVD (dvd plugin), from an already
> recorded file on hard drive, or from a Divx on hard drive.
> It doesn't seem to be possible at the moment, but if it's not, would that
> require a lot of work to implement?

This is planned as a future addition, too.

Sascha Volkenandt
Sascha Volkenandt

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