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[vdr] Re: ANNOUNCE:vdr-analogTV-0.0.1

On Dienstag, 25. Februar 2003 00:23 Andreas Kool wrote:
> I would like to announce a new plugin "analogTV".
> The input is from any video4linux (bttv) compatible device,
> (like analogue tv-cards, (camcorder) grabber cards, webcams or the like)
> feed it into "mp1e" - a wonderfull *real-time* MPEG-encoder - and display
> the result on your VDR.
> Just now you have possibility to view any analogue tv-program, primary
> usefull for DVB-C users with limited digital channels.
> The plugin uses the library:
> Please carefully read my README for installation instructions.

I'm surely going to test that tomorrow, but I'd like to make a little 
suggestion for that:

Why don't you make the analog source available with a cDevice derivation? This 
would make it possible to have a VDR working with an analog+dxr3 card like a 
normal VDR, for example. Also it would be possible to record and cut the data 
with the native VDR interface. Additional channels could be provided via 
channels.conf with a device providing a special source.

Many possibilities ;)

Greetings, Sascha Volkenandt

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