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[vdr] Re: File Systems (was: Re: 160GB disks - ATA/133)

On Thursday 27 February 2003 15:44, you wrote:
> Sven Karlsson wrote:
> > 2) I'm using reiserFS for my rather large partitions on the
> > 160GB drive. On
> > another system (which also uses the maxtor drive) I'm using ext3fs
> > partitions and there is a quite substantial performance
> > difference between
> > the two. The ext3 system is much faster when it comes to filesystem
> > performce. Can anyone comment on the perferred (journalling)
> > filesystem for
> > a VDR machine?
> At the beginning of my VDR experiments i was using ReiserFS but after a
> power failure had a badly crippled partition.
> I have been using ext3 since then (a year now) and never had any
> problems (performace /data (in)consistency).
> Ciao Ulrich

Yes same experience here, and reiserfs is fast on a load of small files, but 
slow for big files. So reiserfs should not be used. ext3 is even readable as 
ext2 and has journaling, so I would use that. If you are interested in 
large-file support 4Gig (bigger ?) then XFS maybe better, but I never was 
really interested on this topic.

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