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[vdr] Re: What happens exactly when shuting down the vdr?

On Wednesday 19 March 2003 14:23, you wrote:
> Hello guys,

> So my question is, what happens really after pressing the power button
> in VDR. OK, VDR calles the vdrshutdownn script, but what is VDR doing?
> Is VDR keep on running and runs only the shutdown script. Or does VDR
> exit itself somehow?


The INSTALL file contains the documentation on this, instead of MANUAL :)

 After this
your program should return to VDR. VDR will not automatically exit after
calling the shutdown program, but will rather continue normally until it
receives a SIGTERM when the computer is actually shut down. So in case
the shutdown fails, or the shutdown program for some reason decides not to
perform a shutdown, VDR will stay up and running and will call the shutdown
program again after another MinUserInactivity minutes.

Though it would seem VDR will stay running normally. Double check :-)


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