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[vdr] Feature request: Using different colours for timers

Hello guys,

I missed severall recordings at the weekend because of a full disc. So I
had an idea for an VDR enhancement. It would be great, if the lines in
the timers menu are coloured (white, yellow, red) accourding to the
available disc space for each timer.

- If enough disc space is available to record the recording 
  it should be coloured white.
- If one older recording must (and could) be deleted 
  accourding priority and lifetime the timer should be 
  coloured yellow. 
- If the timer could not be recorded because of not enough 
  disc space it should be coloured red. 

The timers have a order regarding the time they start. So the list
should take into account, that f.e. if the third recording is done
somewhere in the future the secound and the first one are already
recorded and occupying disc space. The disc space could be estimated
roughly by 1GB/30min or better calculated regarding the solution of the
channel (at the moment, question: Is that changing over time?), if AC3
is recorded, ...

One open question is how the disc space should be calculated if
recordings are overlapping on multiple card systems. 

What do you mean? Is that an enhancement which is worth to be

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