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[vdr] Re: problems playing dvd

Hi Thorsten

On Monday 26 May 2003 00:46, Thorsten Schnebeck wrote:
> Hi list!
> I'm using latest vdr (patched) and dvd-plugin

would be nice if you could specify which patches you are using.

> I have problems playing dvds via the dvd-plugin. You will find attached the
> logs when playing the scrambled DVD  2001_A_SPACE_ODYSSEY.
> Due to the skipped PES packages watching the DVD is more like watching a
> dis-show :-/

the problem and your log clearly enough show that you are using the AC3overDVB 
patch. it has already been discused on the list that the latest DVD plugin 
contains a bug that is triggered by the AC3 patch. In player-dvd.c remove the 
following lines to fix it:

          if (res < 0) {
              esyslog("ERROR: PlayVideo, %s (workaround 


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