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[vdr] Re: Drop support for multiple video dirs? [was: FeatureRequest]
Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
What I would really like to do is to get rid of this
altogether! I shouldn't have implemented this "spreading
recordings over drives and linking them together" in the
first place, but at the time it seemed like a useful idea.
As I have said already in the past: I am sorry I talked you
into this back then. I have used it only for a very short time.
As soon as you had implemented subdirectories, this became
obsolete. I created a top level entry for each genre in /video.
Some of them are actual directories in /video and some are
symbolic links to other mount points.
Here is what it currently looks like on my vdr:
vdr /home/cko> df -hTl
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2 xfs 114G 92G 23G 81% /
/dev/hdb1 xfs 153G 144G 8.9G 95% /video2
/dev/hdc1 xfs 153G 134G 19G 88% /video
/dev/hdd1 xfs 153G 145G 8.1G 95% /video3
shmfs shm 189M 0 189M 0% /dev/shm
vdr /home/cko> ls -l /video
total 5504
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 14 2003-04-05 05:22 Action -> /video2/Action
drwxr-xr-x 35 cko users 4096 2003-09-29 00:22 Comedy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 19 2003-04-15 22:05 Fantasy -> /video4/vdr/Fantasy
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 14 2003-04-05 05:22 Horror -> /video3/Horror
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 12 2003-04-05 05:22 Kids -> /video3/Kids
drwxr-xr-x 8 cko users 140 2003-09-23 01:23 Misc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 13 2003-04-05 05:22 Music -> /video3/Music
drwxr-xr-x 13 cko users 4096 2003-10-03 02:39 SciFi
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 15 2003-04-05 05:22 Science -> /video2/Science
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cko users 16 2003-04-05 05:22 Thriller -> /video3/Thriller
-rw-r--r-- 1 cko users 5625013 2003-10-03 15:55
Note that Fantasy points to a lower-level directory on the root disk,
while some of the others just point to top-level directories on the
/video2 and /video3 disks. vdr of course only sees /video.
For me, this is a nice and flexible solution.
The only concern I have with the current vdr is: when one of
these disks becomes full, will vdr run amok and delete old
recordings randomly from just any disk or will it follow my
symbolic links and only delete recordings from the disk that
actually became full?
Meanwhile disks are available in very large sizes, and if
someone really needs enormous amounts of disk capacity,
its probably a better idea to use a RAID approach.
If I use raid level 5, it would cost me an extra disk,
if I do not, it will be as bad as the multiple video dirs.
And even without support for several /video directories
you could still have several disks mounted under the top
level /video directory and store your recordings on the
various disks.
In some cases, that may be an alternative.
It is not as flexible as the symbolic link solution
I described above.
So here's my proposal: if nobody objects I'd like to
drop the support for multiple /video directories in
version 1.3. If necessary I can provide a script that
converts an existing linked /video0, /video1,... structure
into a plain directory structure.
Any comments?
I hereby vote for that.
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