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[vdr] recordings file naming question

Hi All,

  I'm unsure how VDR is arriving at the filename/directory structure it
is using for my recordings.  I have the following repeating timer:
1:T-0-219-1585:------S:1828:1910:50:50:The Foos:

Which results in video stored in:

What is the underscore and where is it coming from? I also have
this config setting:
UseSubtitle = 1 
which may be relevant (my epg does appear to have subtitle info for some
programs, but this particular channel does not at least for this
broadcast have it which I guess is probably the key to the whole thing,
although all of my recordings have the same directory structure and I
some of them are from channels which do appear to have subtitles in
their epg).

The reason I am asking is that vdrconvert has the following code to
"guess" the filename of recording it is manipulating:

   spalten=`echo $i|sed 's/\// /g'|wc -w`
   Record=`echo $i|sed 's/\%//g'|cut -f $spalten -d '/'`

This counts the number of "words" in the video pathname after converting
/'s to spaces and uses that to grab the name it will use for the record
name, in my case it is grabbing the '_' in the path so that if I wish to
process several Foos episodes they all get the same filename. Obviously
I can hack vdrconvert to use a different record name but I'm guessing
I'm doing something wrong to get that directory structure to start with,
any ideas?

Richard Jones <>

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