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[vdr] Master-Timer 0.5.13 released


- LIESMICH overworked a bit
- Macros updated
- Configuration is now first searched in "/etc/master-timer"
  and not in "$HOME/.master-timer".
  If "/etc/master-timer" isn't found "$HOME/.master-timer" is used, so it
  isn't necesary to change anything.
- Updates programms under schnitt/

This is maybe the last Revision of Master-Timer for VDR.

After Premiere switched of Betacrypt (Plus-Packet: 20.10) i couldn't see
anything (on Nagra-only channels) even with the new cards, so i immediatly
switched to my "backup"-solution (i only lost 1 recording) which doesn't
involve VDR.

In the next days i will update from VDR 0.68 to current VDR, when VDR
works again, i will switch back from the backup-solution.
If current VDR doesn't work, then VDR is history for me.

Bis denn

Real Programmers consider "what you see is what you get" to be just as
bad a concept in Text Editors as it is in women. No, the Real Programmer
wants a "you asked for it, you got it" text editor -- complicated,
cryptic, powerful, unforgiving, dangerous.

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