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[vdr] Re: Again: Audio out via Soundcard

Moin Werner,

Dr. Werner Fink <> wrote:
> Isn't it better to get the PC and the Audio-Receiver/TV onto the
> same ground or use an optical S/P-DIF connection?  Also some

As for noise that doesn't do a lot. With grounding, hum is usually a
problem. That said, my TV set and the VDR share the same power outlet. I
did have some hum due to a potential gound loop but an isolating
transformer (the stereo one from Conrad) solved that problem. There is no
difference as far as noise is concerned, though. 

> shielded cable may help.  And even if you connect the analog or

The cables are shielded. 

> digital out of the DVB card, the different grounding stays around.

Using the digital out you have a galvanically isolated setup, as with the
isolating transformer... I don't have an SPDIF capable TV set or amp,
though. This is next on the shopping list. 

> an optical S/P-DIF connection is simply the best to avoid
> noisy current due different grounds.

Agreed. But I think this applies to 50Hz hum, not to hissing. Rauscht wie
Harry, auf gut Deutsch. 

The question remains - how do I re-route the "analog" sound (i.e. not the
5.1 AC3) to my soundcard's output? I suspect that the DVB card's analog
circuitry produces the noise. When I use the VDR as an MP3 player using
MP3OSS and the soundcard, there is little if any noise. 

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