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[vdr] Re: Converting VDR audio recordings to mp3...

On Mon, 2003-11-10 at 17:44, Wiljo Heinen wrote:

> Let me again repeat the question: Why do you want to convert to mp3 ? "In
> principle" any MPEG1 L3 (aka mp3) decoder should also be able to decode
> MPEG1 L2 (aka mp2) audio.
> >From the MPEG Audio FAQ:
> "The three layers have been defined to be compatible in a hierarchical way,
> i.e. a 'full Layer N' decoder is able to decode bitstreams encoded in Layer
> N and all layers below N. Consequently, a 'full Layer III' decoder accepts
> Layer I, II, and III bitstreams and a 'full Layer II' decoder accepts Layer
> I and II bitstreams, however a Layer I decoder only accepts Layer I
> bitstreams.
> Nevertheless, MPEG-1 Audio decoders may exist which do not support the full
> functionality for a certain layer, or do not support the lower layers. These
> decoders may however not be referred to as (full) Layer N decoder."

Interesting...didn't know that! How much difference is there in filesize
between the two? Not much on first glance.

I had a go at demuxing with vdrsync and then feeding the mp2 into lame.
The resultant mp3 was about a tenth of the length it should have been
and contained white noise! The mp2 file did, however, play back with

> Did you try whether your friend can play the mp2 in his app directly ? That
> would reduce the work to just de-muxing.

Hmmm...this would probably be with winamp for playback. I think I'll
just leave them as mp2 for now, and then worry about converting them
further if needed!

Cheers for all the helpful responses!


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