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[vdr] Re: Questions about the subtitles-plugin

Ari Huttunen wrote:
The subtitles show up and go away somewhat too fast,
it's hard to read the text. I tried changing the value
of the setting 'delay' to 10, and it maybe helped..
But maybe it changed something else, that's also possible.
This depends on your hardware:

Currently synchronization (getSTC()) is supported only by full-featured DVB-C/S/T cards. If you _don't_ have one of those you should select Synchronization: off.

If you have a full-featured card then you could be experiencing the weird ff card feature which alters Video PTS's. For more info on that see the thread on the driver mailing-list:

The thread OT'd pretty fast but it should give you an idea what's going on. Unfortunately there is no cure for this at the moment.

If you experience problems, switch syncronization off.

When synchronization is off, the duration a subtitle is shown should be correct but the time when it is shown can be incorrect (ie. no sync). You can try to fix this using the delay parameter. The bigger the delay, the later the subtitle is shown.

Hope this helps...

How are subtitles recorded?
As a separate PRIVATE STREAM 1's. Please note, DVB subtitles != DVD subtitles so can't create DVD's with subtitles, atleast without some kind of conversion.

-- pekka

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