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[vdr] Re: What CAM for SECA2 (Canal Satellite) ?


> I'm about to build my own vdr box in order to replace (for better :-)
> the official MediaGuard decoder for Canal Satellite here in France. I'm
> in the process of selecting the right components before moving forward.
> Picking the right CAM seems to be tricky. I had a careful look at the
> cam support as described at
> Apparently, there's no choice (at least for me !). It will be a Magic
> Module since I want to decrypt SECA2-encrypted channels.

Maybe there's a second way to go: The old 1.03 ASTON CAM is supported
by the icam-firmware. But I'm not shure if an update is available to support
SECA2?? Any comments on this?
> 2 more questions and I'm done :
> - I will go for a PCI CI attached to my Nova card. Is there any
> specific hardware version number I should be careful at ?

!!! This won't work. The NOVA CI interface is not supported by the driver.
To use a CAM you have to buy a ff-card.

Best regards,

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