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[vdr] Re: Playing other mpgs

Sascha Volkenandt wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 4. Dezember 2003 19:17 schrieb bigg:
> > Is there a simple soultion to get VDR to player other mpg
> > files? Ie. either have them appear in the recording directory, or have a
> > plugin that offers a similar interface to teh recordings list, but lists
> > mpg files in the specified directory?

I'm looking for a way to do this too. The mplayer plugin doesn't work
perfectly for me, and anyway I'd like to see the mpgs listed alongside
mv VDR recordings, not have to search a separate tree.

I'm working on converting MPGs, AVIs or whatever into VDR format, and
it's not working quite right yet. Here's what I have so far.

- You can dump DVDs with the '-dumpstream' option to get an MPEG
stream(?) instead of an AVI file. This should be playable in VDR.

- A DVD already dumped as AVI (which I have many of) needs to be
converted to a raw MPG file(?). But mencoder with the '-of mpeg' option
creates other problems for me, like losing sound, and mplayer says that
the resulting file is encrypted.

- In these and other cases the mpegtools toolkit (look on sourceforge)
can convert the files into MJPEG format and back into MPEG2. But this is
very CPU intensive, and the results look OK with mplayer, but suck on
the DVB card. If you like, I can give you the list of commands I use for
this conversion, but I'm not convinced this is a good solution!

- Finally you need genindex (as below) to generate an index.vdr from
your 001.vdr.

> Just create a recording directory (like the others), copy/link your mpeg file
> into it as "001.vdr" and run genindex (available from Stefan Huelswitt's
> pages, the author of mp3/mplayer) inside that directory. Voila!

From my experience, this will only work when the mpeg file is already in
the correct format. An mpeg .avi file, for example, will not work.



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