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[vdr] Re: canal satellite / canal+ subtitles

> is there some one who knows howto deal with the subtitles for
> canalsatellite and canal+ ?

I tried a while ago with Digital+ (Spain) and found no software to
correctly display _all_ subtitles. I tried with plain VDR 1.2.x (using
TPID) and also with all plugins I could find. I even tried with Windows
software but result was the same. The best solution is VDR using TPID and
displaying page 801 (D+ Hispasat) on TV's teletext, no plugins. Some
movies are 100% ok, while from other ones I get only 1/3 of text. I light
a candle at the start of every movie so the Gods are on my side ;-)

Having read previous messages, I agree to the point thet guys from
D+/C+/CSN/etc. do this in purpose so it's only their STBs that work

If you manage to find a solution which shows all subtitles, whether using
TV's ttext or SS1's OSD, please post it.


PS: Sorry to break threads, I have to use a webmail to post here.

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