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[vdr] Re: VDR Startup OSD/GUI

Brian McKerr wrote:
> Folks,
>  I managed to compile VDR 1.2.6 on a 2.6.0-test11 kernel with 
> my Nebula 
> DigiTV PCI card. I can get vdr to run in daemon mode with 
> <snip>
> Now, I'm completely at a loss as to how to activate the OSD. 
> It must be 
> so simple that I've completely missed it !
> Incidentally, xine works a treat with DVB and my nebula card 
> so I'm sure 
> there are no silly DVB errors.

The OSD normaly is displayed on the TV.
I don't know your card but i assume it has no MPEG2 decoder.

In this case you either need to use something like the xine or fbdev

Ciao Ulrich

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