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[vdr] Re: [ANNOUNCE] vdr-wapd-0.0.1 pre-release

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Thomas Heiligenmann wrote:

>Jan Ekholm schrieb:
>> On Mon, 31 May 2004, Thomas Heiligenmann wrote:
>>>This plugin allows remote control of VDR by WAP clients like mobile
>>>phones. It implements a simple daemon, which listens on tcp port 8888
>>>(default) for incoming requests. See README for more details.
>>>It will make WAP control hopefully more efficient than the CGI approach ;-)
>>>This is just a pre release, which shall show how to browse through the
>>>menus (WML cards). The following options _aren't_ implemeted yet:
>>>- editing and creating of timers or channels
>>>- escaping of "illegal" characters like Umlauts
>>>- user authorizazion (!)
>> This is a very nice plugin, and it worked like a charm. Excellent work,
>> Thomas!
>> As you say, authorization would be a very nice thing to have, especially
>> if one intends to show the plugin to everyone at work. :) Wouldn't want
>> every dork messing with our little VDR box...
>At the moment access control via apache proxying could be an option...

Would you mind if I had a look at authorization? At least my phone has
direct fields where all that stuff can be input, so I assume it's
transmitted in the request(s) if filled in.

>> The "timers" list also is a little bit cramped, at least my Nokia 3650
>> which doesn't have a wide display makes the output look a bit silly. All
>> columns of the table are given equal width, so the channel numbers etc are
>> given the same width as the rightmost column, the timer name, which means
>> that the timer name is split into many rows of 2-3 characters each.
>> I think that for WAP one has to format the original data a little bit and
>> at least split the timer name onto a separate line. Maybe the table model
>> of WAP doesn't allow too elaborate stuff?
>The table tags under WML don't seem to offer much options. I'll also try
>  how it will look without the table stuff - should also save a little
>bandwith which could be important. Do you think it makes sense to cut
>timer/channel names etc. to a max. length?

I'd split it up onto a few lines and have the user scroll instead.
Maybe date and time on one line, status and channel on one and the timer
name (maybe truncated as you said) on a third.

  The trouble with being a god is that you've got no one to pray to.
                                        -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

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