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[vdr] [ANNOUNCE] {Release Candiate} Image Plugin 0.0.9


her is release candiate of the image plugin availably.
the major improvement are:

- integrated netpbm scripts from Andreas Holzhammer, 
    throw Onno Kreuzinger, there are now independence to ImageMagick
- add menu with commandos for images (userdefined imagecmd.conf )
- update to new OSD-Layout VDR 1.3.7, 1.2.X works too
- cleanup OSD/RC-Layouts for more usability
- and some little or bigger fixes

for all changes since version 0.0.8 see files HISTORY/README

If possible I became gladly more languages supported, 
It would be sufficient to send me the changed i18n.c file, 
so that this can be taken up to next version.

sincerely yours,

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