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[vdr] Re: easy Time-Shifting

-----Original Message-----
Hi folks,

would it be possible to implement an option to do "easy time shifting"?
ATM you have to stop the replay, stop the recording and then delete the
record. This surely has some advantages, but it's not really
userfriendly, espacially for n00bs. So, why not implement an OSD option
to do time shifting without creating a regular record? With "Pause" you
could stop the live-TV (as usual) and when you press "Stop" or "Exit",
the time-shift should end completely, no record and so on.



ps: Sorry for my bad english!


I think we are looking for somewhat the same thing. I am suggesting that vdr
constantly be recording whatever channel we happen to be on that way if you
see something you need to see again or want to share with someone else you
can always rewind .. (timeshifting) to that spot .. while vdr continues to
dump the real time video to the same temp file. This action should not
create a regular recording that you find in your recordings folder /video.
Unless of course you hit record while watching a show .. at that point vdr
could move the contents of the temp file (the 30 or 60 min buffer) to the
/video dir. I can't seem to find any negative points to haven this option.
Especially if it can be turned off if you don't happen to have the HD space

Guess I am hoping for a response from one of the developers as to weather or
not this is at all possible. If it is, would it work as a plugin? or is this
something that Mr.  Schmidinger would have to be involved in inorder to make
it work?


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