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[vdr] Re: [PATCH] fix segfaults because of channels with umlauts

I demand that Dr. Werner Fink may or may not have written...

> On Sat, Jun 12, 2004 at 02:13:55PM +0200, Klaus Schmidinger wrote:
>> Well, there haven't been any "other errors" in years, its just that nasty
>> UTF-8 that some distributions now apparently have made the default.
>> Personally I don't see why my system should use UTF-8. I am German, all
>> right, but iso8859-1 works just fine for me, so no need for the hassle
>> with those two-byte characters.

> Hmmm ... UTF-8 is the future even if you don't like it. Btw: I also do not
> like UTF-8 but nevertheless I've accepted that UTF-8 is the future and the
> way where Linux and all other UNICES will go.

<AOL>. I've found one instance where Unicode support would be useful:
vdr-subtitles [1][2] and its languages menu (when listing all supported
languages). ISTM that rewriting the font code to use libfreetype6 and some
suitable free fonts (e.g. those in the Debian package ttf-bitstream-vera) and
converting all text to UTF-8 for display will make things somewhat easier. No
need to worry about encodings for translations (hmm, .po files?), for one
thing :-)

[1] _I_ don't need subtitling, but if it can be put in an MPEG via a script
    such as

[2] Packaging issue: vdr-subtitles needs some files in libsi, none of which
    are in vdr-dev, so I'm exporting them in /usr/include/vdr/libsi.

| Darren Salt | nr. Ashington, | d youmustbejoking,demon,co,uk
| Debian,     | Northumberland | s zap,tartarus,org
| RISC OS     | Toon Army      | @
|   We've got Shearer, you haven't

My karma ran over my dogma.

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