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[vdr] Re: OSD and patterns

Jouni Karvo wrote:
> Klaus Schmidinger writes:
>  >
>  > Take a look at how, for instance, cSkinClassicDisplayChannel does it.
>  > It creates a cOsd object in its consructor and deletes it in its
>  > destructor. Since at any time there is only one cSkin* object alive,
>  > this is an easy to follow rule.
>  >
>  > At no time is there more than one object that has direct access to
>  > any cOsd object, so there is no need for a "pattern" as you described it.
> You are probably right.  Here is the patch anyway, do as you wish.
> yours,
>                 Jouni
> diff -Naur vdr-1.3.10/PLUGINS/src/osddemo/osddemo.c vdr-1.3.10-mod/PLUGINS/src/osddemo/osddemo.c
> --- vdr-1.3.10/PLUGINS/src/osddemo/osddemo.c    Sun May 16 12:28:51 2004
> +++ vdr-1.3.10-mod/PLUGINS/src/osddemo/osddemo.c        Sun Jun 13 15:49:26 2004
> @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
> ...

Well, you've done a lot of work here and I hate to just dismiss it,
but I still don't see the point in it. Quite the opposite: to me this
"refcount" stuff looks just like an invitation to have the OSD accessed
from various places. There shall be only _one_ who creates, uses and
finally destroys the OSD. Only he knows about the structure of the OSD,
what is displayed where etc. So I'll stay with the method as it is.


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