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[vdr] Feature Request: EPG scan timer


First of all, thanks for this great piece of software. Let me try to
explain what I would like to have:

My vdr (single card system, not running 24/7) is located at my parents
home and I currently use it only for recording (not regularly, therefore
I don't want to have it running all the time, shutting it on/off is done
by nvram-wakeup, nobody uses it for watching TV). If I want to record
something, I create a timer using vdradmin over the Web (powering on vdr
for that is easy: make a telephone call to the parents and tell them to
switch it on... :) ). Since vdr is powered off most of the time, I have
almost never an up-to-date EPG, which is quite annoying for programming

A nice feature would be, if an EPG scan could be scheduled like a
conventional timer. E.g., every day at midnight (or some other
pattern/time). If not running, it would then power on like for a regular
timer, make an epg scan and switch off again. If something is recording
at this time, it could be simply omitted (or delayed, etc).

Maybe anybody has already implemented such a feature... i would
appreciate some ideas...

Bernhard Stegmaier             Lehrstuhl Informatik III
Tel. +49 89 289-17259          TU München, Zimmer 02.11.042 FMI   Boltzmannstr. 3, 85748 Garching

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