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[vdr] Re: HDTV broadcast on HTV (Helsinki/Finland)


Rantanen Teemu wrote:

I was able to get VDR-1.3.6 to auto-tune the HDTV test broadcast on HTV,
but I wasn't able to record it, or to stream it using StreamDev. I was
able to record it using dvbstream and playback using mplayer, so they
are broadcasting at least something almost correct.

I have applied the vdr-1.3.6-HDTV -patch, which increases various buffer
sizes, but is there something else I need to do?
Maybe the buffers are still not large enough. Does VDR report anything about that in syslog?

Note! Save your channels.conf before trying. Looks like HTV has
something wrong in channel infos (or a problem in VDR?), and tuning into
the HDTV test channel frequency will mess up all the YLE channels...

PS. EURO1080:498000:C0M128:C:6900:308:256=eng:0:0:21100:0:1:0
Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Reinhard Nissl

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