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[vdr] Re: VDR developer version 1.3.11 (no rec shown)

> > I had an iso image in /video/video_rip/dvd (from vdrconvert), 4 GB size.
> > The new scan routine can't swallow that, somehow....
> I have nothing else in my /video? dir than vdr recording and setup
> files here... so my problem is other :-)

I have no setup files there, because I am using a separate directory for
Try to move everything except the recordings to another dir and start vdr
with -c option.....
We should be able to find out what is causing this.
Have you had a look at syslog? vdr complained about my iso file there, and
after I removed it, all my recordings showed up.


P.S.: I hope I'm not breaking threads, have to rely on outlook at the moment

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