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[vdr] Re: VDR pidfile

Hi Darren,

> Assuming Debian:
>   $ man 8 start-stop-daemon
It's Gentoo.

I tried start-stop-daemon, but it does not seem to be the solution:

vdr root # /etc/init.d/vdr start
 * Starting VDR...                                                          [ ok ]
vdr root # cat /var/run/
vdr root # pidof vdr
3288 3287 3286 3285 3284 3282 3281 3280 3279
vdr root # kill -s 0 3277
-bash: kill: (3277) - No such process

The startscript looks like this:

-- snip --------------------------------------
        start-stop-daemon --start \
        --background \
        --make-pidfile \
        --pidfile /var/run/ \
        --exec /usr/local/bin/vdr -- -d -l 3 \
                -L /usr/local/lib \
                ... even more options
-- snip --------------------------------------

It seems like VDR returns a wrong PID or the VDR-process started by
start-stop-daemon terminates after making some children (like all of
us *g*).

Any ideas?


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